The Definitive Guide to Creating Your Baby Registry

The Definitive Guide to Creating Your Baby Registry

Whether you or your partner is pregnant, you're adopting, or you're teaming up with a surrogate, there's one thing most parents-to-be love to do before welcoming their newest member: create a baby registry.

Baby registries are a win-win for everyone involved. Your friends, family, and even the office gang will be thrilled to shower you with presents. Having a registry makes it super easy and convenient for them to know exactly what you need and want. Plus, it ensures that you'll actually get the stuff you'll use and love. It's also a nifty way to keep tabs on which baby items you’ve got, which ones are on their way, and what’s still on the wishlist.

But let’s be real - setting up a baby registry can feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. There's a ton to consider and you’re probably already juggling a million things.

Don’t sweat it! We've pooled our baby registry know-how to guide you through this process. We're tackling the most frequently asked questions about baby registries and providing a step-by-step walkthrough to help you create the ultimate registry for your family. By the end, you'll have a list brimming with products that will make life easier when your little one arrives.


Baby Registry FAQ

We might not have all the parenting wisdom here at Babylist, but when it comes to baby registries, we’ve got you covered. Here are the questions we get asked the most—and the answers you need.


When should I make my baby registry?

No strict rules here, folks! The "perfect" time to start your registry is when it feels right for you. Some parents dive in toward the end of the first trimester, while others wait until they’re cruising into the second. A common approach is starting your registry after that magical 20-week anatomy scan, but feel free to march to the beat of your own drum.

Pro tip: Most registries offer a "private" mode, so you can stash your wishlist without any prying eyes until you're ready to go public.


When Should I Make My Baby Registry Public?

Planning for a baby shower? As soon as those invites are in the mail (or inbox), hit the ‘go live’ button on your registry. It keeps things simple and convenient for your guests. Not throwing a big shindig? No worries. You can make your registry public whenever you feel ready, but the start of the third trimester is a popular choice. 

Most registry sites let you share a private link, so only the people you choose can see your list of baby goodies. It’s the best of both worlds—sharing the joy without broadcasting it to everyone.


How many items should I add to my baby registry?

So, you’re diving into the wonderful world of baby registries? Fun times! On average, Babylist users add about 125 items. Yep, it sounds like a lot, but no pressure—it’s perfectly okay to find your own groove. Maybe you’ll add more, maybe less. Decisions, decisions! The key is to go with what feels right for you and your growing family. Don’t sweat the specifics; you can always tweak your list as you go. And hey, Babylist’s handy baby registry checklist is a fabulous place to kick things off!


Is it Okay to Ask for Cash?

Absolutely! Most registries nowadays come with cash fund options. And if they don’t, many will have slots for gift cards, helpful favors, or other ways to pitch in. So go ahead and add some fun money ideas to your list – your friends and family will appreciate the guidance!


Is it Okay to Add Big Purchases to My Baby Registry?

100%. Your loved ones genuinely want to know what you need, so don't shy away from adding that dream stroller, crib, or any other value-packed item. Many registries, like Babylist, even offer group gifting features, allowing everyone to chip in as much or as little as they want toward those bigger ticket items. So think big!


How Can I Make a Baby Registry from Different Stores? 

So, you’re dreaming about that dreamy stroller from a big box store, but you’ve also fallen head over heels for the adorable baby clothes at your local boutique. No worries—there's no need to juggle multiple registries or compromise on your must-haves. Babylist is your ultimate one-stop, universal baby registry solution. It brings all your favorite stores together in one handy place, letting you add anything from anywhere on the internet. 

Already have a baby registry with another store? No problem! Babylist effortlessly integrates your existing registries so everything is organized in one convenient spot. Easy peasy!


How to Create a Baby Registry

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of adding yet another task to your busy schedule? Don't worry, we've got you covered. We've simplified the baby registry process into five easy steps to help keep you organized and on track.


Evaluate Your Lifestyle: Think Before You Add

You're about to dive into a sea of baby gear on your registry adventure. But before you start clicking "add to cart," hit pause and ponder a bit:

How will this item fit into my family and our unique lifestyle?

Do you live in a cozy 700-square-foot one-bedroom apartment in a bustling city, or do you call a spacious suburban home your own? Is minimalism your mantra, or do you adore having all the gadgets? Are you gearing up for twins, or is adoption your beautiful journey? 

Reflect on these questions - and really mull over the answers - as they’ll shape what products you pop onto your registry. Urbanites without a car might need a sturdy and spacious stroller for those long city strolls, while suburban folks might prioritize whether that stroller fits snugly in the car trunk. Tech-enthusiast parents might be thrilled by a monitor that tracks the baby’s every move, breath, and nap, whereas those who get frazzled by too much data might opt for a straightforward audio monitor.

Every family is unique, and your baby registry should be too. Taking the time to thoughtfully curate your list may require a bit more effort, but trust us—it’s time well spent.


Needs vs. Wants: Keep It Chill

“I couldn't survive without all 225 items from my baby registry!” said no modern parent, ever.

We totally get it—baby gear has made huge strides, and there's so much cool stuff out there. (Hey, we’re a baby company, this is our jam.) And sure, it’s totally okay to sprinkle in some fun, splurge-worthy items that you absolutely adore on your registry. But, let’s keep it real—beyond diapers and a safe snooze spot, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the “wants” and forget the “needs” when curating your list. Overloading on baby gear can make things stressful and leave you with a mountain of unused items once your little bundle of joy arrives. So, while building your baby registry, every now and then, take a step back and ask yourself if each item really deserves a prime spot on your list.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while figuring out what essentials you need:

  • Babies grow - and fast. While those sleep-deprived nights feel like they stretch on forever, babies actually grow at lightning speed, especially during their first year. Some babies bypass newborn sizes completely (both for clothes and diapers), and most parents report they're refreshing their little one's wardrobe every few months in those baby and toddler stages. So, resist the urge to overstock on any one size.
  • Keep off-registry gifts in mind. Sure, lots of folks love sticking to baby registries and buying exactly what’s on the list—but not everyone. Some gift-givers prefer to march to the beat of their own drum, and what do they typically choose? Blankets and clothes. (Trust us on this.) Personalized baby blankets and cute-as-a-button outfits are a top choice among these maverick givers. So, unless you want baby swaddled in whimsy and conducting multiple outfit changes daily, keep that in mind when filling out your registry.
  • Focus on the first six months. It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to add every possible future need to your registry, but we recommend focusing on the first six months. While items like a convertible car seat or solids-feeding gear will eventually become necessities, thinking about them too early can be overwhelming. Plus, your tastes and preferences might evolve as you get to know your baby, and you’ll stumble upon new brands you'll adore. Keep it straightforward and register for the essentials that will get you through those first six months.


One Step at a Time: Keep Calm and Baby On!

From crib sheets to diaper bags, it’s easy to feel like you're swimming in a sea of baby gear. But fear not—organization can be your life raft!

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, break down baby’s needs into broad categories and build your registry one step at a time. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” method here. Some parents like to tackle the big-ticket items like strollers and car seats first, while others enjoy starting with the cute stuff like clothes and nursery decor. Find what works for you—just remember to keep it manageable.

Here are some categories we find super helpful, along with a few highlights for each:

Nursery: Think of this as your baby’s sanctuary. Stock it with essentials like a crib (don’t forget the mattress), cozy crib bedding, and nursery furniture like a changing table and a snuggly glider. Add in a monitor with a white noise machine, plus some blankets and swaddles for those snug nights. Top it off with room decor to create a soothing atmosphere.

Feeding: Bottles are the star of this show, but let’s not overlook the supporting cast. Bibs, burp cloths, formula, or a breast pump are essential items. Feeding time has never been so (almost) mess-free!

Transportation: Also known as “On the Go,” this category covers all your baby travel needs. This includes must-haves like a stroller, car seat, and baby carrier. Whether you're strolling through the park or cruising around the block, you’ll have everything you need.

Health and Safety: While it might not be the most glamorous category, it’s undoubtedly crucial. Stock up on essentials like a first aid kit, humidifier, and thermometer. Don’t forget bathtime necessities: a baby tub, soft towels, washcloths, and gentle baby wash.

Diapering: Diapers (cloth or disposable), wipes, diaper cream, and a reliable diaper bag are your go-tos here. Plus, include any on-the-go diaper changing supplies to keep those tushies clean and dry no matter where you are.

Clothing: It’s easy to get carried away, but try to keep it simple. Bodysuits and pajamas are key staples. Add in some separates like pants and a few adorable newborn caps to complete the wardrobe.

Gear: Think bouncers, swings, and a playard or travel crib. Babies have their preferences, so no need to overdo it. Just a few items to keep them entertained and comfy will do the trick.

Playroom: Sprinkle in some fun! Consider newborn-friendly toys, charming board books, and a play mat to nurture your little one’s growth and giggles.


Do Your Research (Or Not): You Do You

There's certainly no  shortage of blogs, vlogs, and endless opinions about baby gear. But do you need to investigate every single item on your baby registry?

Honestly, it depends on your style. If you're the type who loves to know all the details before hitting "Add to Cart," then dive right in! Research away to your heart's content.

  • Product guides exist for just about everything, from big-ticket items like monitors and strollers to the fun stuff like backpack diaper bags, baby carriers, and crib sheets.
  • Some sites even have a registry consultant team that will help you with your research.
  • You can find sample registries for families like yours, whether you’re adopting, obsessed with minimalism, or hunting for eco-friendly baby products.
  • And if you prefer a good old-fashioned book to help you out, we adore "Baby Bargains," the ultimate guide to all things baby gear.

But if the mere thought of diving into baby gear research sends you into a panic, take a deep breath—no need to stress! Focus on the essentials: strollers, infant car seats, and newborn diapers. Keep it simple. Head to your favorite store (Target or the Babylist Beverly Hills Showroom are fantastic options) and get hands-on with some gear. Chat with friends and fellow parents about their go-to baby products and what they've found useful (or not so useful). Browse the web and watch real parents review and demo the latest baby items. Just gather the info you need, however it suits you, and leave the stress behind.


Boss Baby: Sometimes It’s Best to Wait and See

Ever heard the saying, "The best laid plans often go awry"? It couldn't be truer when it comes to the adventure of having a baby. Your baby registry is no exception—get ready for reality to throw you a few curveballs.

Tiny as they are, babies come with big opinions about what they like and what they absolutely can't stand. (And trust us, they won’t hesitate to let you know.) So, keep this in mind when you’re setting up your registry. Getting starry-eyed over swings, bouncy seats, and jumpers? Pick just one to start with and see how Junior takes to it once they arrive. If they love it, awesome! If not, list it on a local parents’ swap group and move on to the next option.

Here are a few other popular registry items where it’s smart to take a similar, easy-going approach:

  • Diapers and Wipes: Every baby is unique, and finding the right diaper can be a bit of a Goldilocks adventure. Factors like your baby's shape, weight, and skin sensitivity all play a part in finding the perfect fit. The same goes for wipes. Instead of stocking up on one brand, add a couple of packs from different brands to your registry. Start small and let your baby guide you to the perfect match. A diaper sampler pack can also be a smart way to explore your options.
  • Bottles: While feeding sets can offer great value, it’s best to hold off until you know what works for your little one. Rather than rushing to add a full set of bottles to your registry, consider starting with 2-3 different brands. Alternatively, a bottle box—a sampler pack of five popular baby bottles—can give you a variety to try out and see which one becomes your baby's favorite.
  • Baby Wash: We all know that baby skin is delicate, but some little ones seem to have extra-sensitive skin. Instead of turning your registry into a mini warehouse of baby washes and lotions, start with a small sampler pack of something gentle. This lets you figure out what works best for your munchkin without turning bath time into a science experiment.
  • Formula: Formula is basically liquid gold—and about as pricey. While the urge to hoard can be strong, it’s wise to hold back. Babies have their preferences and what works for one tummy might not work for another. A wait-and-see approach is your best bet here, keeping your options open and your pantry uncluttered.
  • Swaddles: Between swaddle blankets, 2-in-1 swaddles, and sleep sacks, it can feel like you're in a swaddling maze. Instead of stockpiling these snug cocoons, start your registry with just one of each type. Once baby arrives, you’ll quickly figure out what works best for everyone’s comfort and sanity. A swaddle sampler pack can be a lifesaver, letting you test-drive different options before committing.

    Last but not least, don’t underestimate the power of gift cards. Whether it’s for your go-to store or a creative "help and favors" card for non-material goodies, these make excellent additions to your registry. They’re bound to be used and can help you snag more of those items you and your little one can’t get enough of.


    Ready, Set, Register!

    Starting your family is beyond exciting—but hey, we know it can be a tad overwhelming too. Crafting your baby registry shouldn’t be part of that stress. Armed with some savvy tips and handy guidelines, you'll breeze through creating a registry that fits perfectly with your family’s needs.

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